Naomi Raine - One Name (Jesus)

The Holy Bible made us Christians to know that there is no one that sees the Father (God) except through His son, Jesus Christ. And it’s the name above every other names here on earth and above in heavens.

When the name Jesus is been mentioned sickness and poverty disappear. The chains are broken and the closed womb of a barren woman opens. The name Jesus Christ is the only name that break every yoke of the enemies. The name saves!!

With that said, “One Name (Jesus)” is crafted by Naomi Raine, an American talented gospel singer and songwriter.

This song is all about the power of Jesus’ name. It reminds us that no matter what we’re facing, trouble, fear, sickness or struggles, just calling on the name of Jesus can bring peace, healing, and victory. 

You know how some names carry weight? Like when you hear a powerful person’s name, it demands attention and respect?

Well, Jesus’ name is greater than any other name because it carries power, love and authority. When we say “Jesus,” we’re not just saying a name, we’re calling on the One who can change everything. 

The song repeats “One name, one name holds every victory”* because it’s a reminder that Jesus has already won every battle for us.

When He died and rose again, He defeated sin, death, and anything that tries to hold us back. That means no situation is too big for Him, His name is enough. 

Think about it like this: Imagine being in a dark room, feeling scared and alone. But then, you turn on a light, and suddenly, the darkness disappears.

That’s what happens when we call on Jesus, His name is like a light that pushes away fear, sadness, and anything negative. 

This song is also about worship and trust. It’s not just about knowing Jesus’ name but believing in the power behind it.

When we sing about His name, we’re declaring that no problem is greater than Him. Whether we’re feeling weak, lost, or even hopeless, we can call on Jesus, and He will answer. 

Another beautiful part of this song I noticed is how personal it feels. It’s not about a distant, faraway God, it’s about Jesus, who is close to us, ready to help whenever we need Him. His name brings peace in chaos, healing in sickness, and strength in weakness. 

In summary, let “One Name (Jesus),” remind you that no matter what you’re going through, all you need to do is call on Jesus Christ.

His name is powerful, His love is unshakable and His victory is already won. Whatever you need, Jesus is the answer!

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