MercyMe - "I Can Only Imagine" 

“I Can Only Imagine”  is a powerful gospel song by “MercyMe, an American contemporary Christian music band.

When God changed your condition, you will be left with no other option than to imagine how it came about. But in all, it was just God.

“I Can Only Imagine” by MercyMe is the song about thinking about the possibility of being face to face with God in heaven.

It is packed with such feelings as admiration, curiosity and hope. This song describes the feeling and thinking process of a person who pictures himself meeting God at last.

The questions are like, “Will I dance for You, Jesus, or in awe of You be still?” This provides an illustration of the sentiments of happiness, surprise and amazement as well as lingering shock in presence of the Almighty God.

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It is a manner of telling, “I cannot begin to comprehend how wonderful it will be to be in His presence loved and surrounded by His splendor.”

This song also mentions peace and freedom and so in heaven the hurt and the concern will be eliminated. It is a joyful statement about the world that will be set right and when all shall be joined to God.

Most importantly, the movie “I Can Only Imagine” is a story of heaven’s beauty and of the mystery. It is a manner of saying how eager we are to be in the fellowship with Him, although we cannot grasp it or put it in just a few words.

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That is not just heaven a place and this is being in a place of pure love and light. To put it plainly, this song is a salvation plea and a musically written prayer, as well as a single inspired thought as to what it will be like to be with God for all of eternity.

It makes me want to use my faith and to continue to look to the future and the happiness and the peace that awaits.

And even in its pitiful form it is lovely: for it reminds us that what we feel is love, the real and true love which is greater than anything that we can think or dream of.

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